This recipe for Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie double dips sweet pleasures by topping a classic apple pie with pie crust cinnamon rolls. Oh my. So good. The recipe comes from Tim Mulligan.

Tim Mulligan
Tim grew up collecting recipes. “My mother was not a good cook,” he said, “so at an early age I took over the family cooking. I would get recipes from all the women cooks in the neighborhood, and, as time went on, I collected recipes from friends, travel, restaurants and …well…just about from anyone and anyplace.” Recently Tim culled all-time favorites from his vast collection to fill two recently published cookbooks:
A PERFECT 10 Ten Proven Scrumptious Recipes For Each Part Of Every Meal (published in 2022)
A PERFECT 1O Full Menus and Activities to Make Hosting Parities A Breeze (published in 2023).
Cooking is Tim’s passion, but not his day job. He earned a BA in Hospitality Business Management from Washington State University and a JD from Gonzaga University School of Law, before working in the hospitality and serving as the chief human resource officer for the San Diego Zoo Global, Paul Allen’s Vulcan, and BENlabs’ (Bill Gates founder). In his spare time,Tim writes plays and cookbooks, fulfilling, what he claims, are the two major tasks on his bucket list.
Despite the high-powered, overload of activities, Tim comes across as low key, sincere and fun—traits displayed in his cookbooks.
Unpretentious and geared to cooks who may be a bit intimidated in the kitchen, the easy-to-follow recipes rely on fresh ingredients that will work to produce favorite comfort-type foods, such as a “mash-up” of cinnamon rolls and apple pie. (Recipe below).
As to tips for party giving, Tim says:
“I like to have all the work done in advance, so the minute the guest arrive I can enjoy the party too.
“I’m against setting out an open bar, which guests could find confusing. Rather I make a batch or two of a special cocktail and am ready to pour when guest arrive.
“Plan the whole party in advance–the décor, the food, the music, the games, and then, you can enjoy the party right along with guests.”
For ordering books and/or more information check out Tim’s blog HERE.
And, as promised, Tim’s recipe straight from his party book: